Constmach Compact Concrete Batching Plant with Belt 60 M3/H planta de hormigón nueva

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- Transferencia a una cuenta «fiduciaria»
- Dicha solicitud debe alarmarle, ya que en la mayoría de los casos se trata de fraudes.
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Contactos del vendedor

Despite its compact structure, the compact 60 delivers the same level of efficiency and reliability as larger stationary batching plants. Thanks to its well-optimized design, it can be installed quickly, transported with ease, and operated with minimal site preparation. The plant’s aggregate storage hopper is available in two configurations—linear and square—allowing users to choose the most suitable option based on their operational requirements.
When equipped with a square hopper, the entire plant can be transported using only a single tractor-trailer or a 40 ft OT container, making logistics and mobility highly efficient. This design is particularly advantageous for companies that frequently relocate their production sites or operate in regions with limited transportation options.
The compact 60 with belt batching plant is built in compliance with CE standards, ensuring superior quality and operational safety. It is designed for a variety of concrete production applications, including ready-mix concrete, dry-mix concrete, and precast concrete manufacturing. With its flexible mixer options—including twin shaft, single shaft, pan, and planetary mixers—the plant adapts to various production needs.
Additionally, the necessity for infrastructure investment is significantly reduced. Only a flat concrete base is required to support the plant’s total load. The supplied cement silos come with full steel legs, eliminating the need for additional concrete supports. Metal walls on both sides of the plant allow for the construction of aggregate filling ramps without requiring concrete walls, further reducing installation costs and time.
The compact 60 is equipped with an advanced automation system incorporating SIEMENS and SCHNEIDER brand electronic components, ensuring high-tech control and monitoring capabilities. The user-friendly PLC-based control software allows operators to manage production effortlessly while ensuring accuracy and consistency.
Compact 60 With Belt Technical Specifications
Main Plant Values
Production Capacity: 60 m³/h
Transport Dimensions: 13(L) x 2.3(W) x 2.3(H) meters (with square hopper)
Weight: 18,000 kg
Total Motor Power: 105 kW
Required Electric Generator: 125 kVA
Mixer Options: Pan – Single Shaft – Twin Shaft – Planetary
Required Operating Area: 300 m²
Technical Specifications
Aggregate Hopper Volume: 4 x 15 m³
Aggregate Weighing Hopper: 1.5 m³
Aggregate Weighing Conveyor: 800 x 12,000 mm
Mixer Wet Concrete Volume: 1 m³
Cement Weighing Hopper: 600 kg
Water Weighing Hopper: 300 lt
Additive Weighing Hopper: 20 lt
Air Compressor: 300 lt, 5.5 kW
Cement Silo: Optional, available in 50 to 200 tonnes capacity
Control System: Fully Automatic
Why Choose the Compact 60 With Belt from CONSTMACH?
Purchasing the compact 60 with belt from CONSTMACH ensures that you are investing in a high-quality, reliable, and cost-effective concrete batching plant. As a leading concrete batching plant manufacturer, CONSTMACH has built a strong reputation for delivering top-tier concrete production equipment backed by years of expertise and engineering excellence.
One of the major advantages of the compact 60 is its cost-efficiency. With its high production capacity and minimal infrastructure requirements, it provides a highly competitive concrete batching plant price, making it an excellent choice for businesses looking to maximize productivity while keeping investment costs under control.
The plant’s compact design, easy portability, and quick installation make it ideal for both permanent and temporary project sites. Whether you are working on large-scale construction projects, road infrastructure, or industrial facilities, the compact 60 with belt ensures consistent concrete production with minimal downtime.
With CONSTMACH’s dedicated after-sales support, spare parts availability, and extensive industry experience, you can be confident that your investment is well protected. The high-tech automation system ensures smooth operation, precision in concrete mixing, and long-term durability, setting it apart as one of the most efficient and cost-effective compact concrete batching plants on the market.
For businesses seeking a 60 m³/h compact concrete batching plant for sale, the compact 60 with belt offers the perfect combination of performance, affordability, and convenience. Contact CONSTMACH today to learn more about how this advanced batching plant can enhance your concrete production operations.